Picture of Analyn Capulot
by Analyn Capulot - Wednesday, 11 July 2018, 06:50 PM
Good evening!

I'm Analyn Capulot from Leon, Iloilo. I graduated in Iloilo Science And Technology University-Leon Campus (ISAT U-Leon)last March 2017 with a course of BS Agriculture Major in Crop Science and also a Licensed Agriculturist. I found out about e-Learning for Agricultures and Fisheries from my professor in college. I plan to use my learning from here to the community and also act as an extension worker to my neighbors.

I am planning to enroll in 'Vermicomposting: Turning Trash to Cash' because we have our vermicomposting in our house. I would like to improve it.

I hope this site will help me a lot.

I want to enroll more courses here.

Thank you so much!

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