Picture of Catheryn Villorente
#TECHNOTIPS: Coconut vinegar
by Catheryn Villorente - Friday, 27 August 2021, 10:44 AM
VINEGARYou may want to consider coconut vinegar as your next pantry staple. Aside from the rich health benefits it offers, did you know that it is also a multipurpose household agent?

Made by naturally fermenting the sap of the coconut flowers, its high acetic acid content can be used in the preparation and preservation of food as a seasoning condiment or a flavor enhancer for raw and manufactured food respectively.

Moreover, it can be used to clean toilets, kitchen sinks, pots, wood panels, windows, grills, greasy ovens, and even hardened paintbrushes. It can also keep your refrigerator and microwave odor-free as it is an effective natural deodorizer.

With only few materials such as fresh coconut water, tuba, refined sugar, and dry yeast, you can make your own coconut sap/toddy vinegar. For a step-by-step guide, check this link: coconut vinegar production (Philippine Coconut Authority).

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(By: Angelica Marie Umali, ATI-ISD)
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