13,700 Bataan farmers to benefit from DA-DAR-DENR agro-enterprise initiatives
by Marjorie M. Arriola - Monday, 5 September 2011, 01:41 PM 2, 2011 9:25 pm

ORION, Bataan, Sept. 2 – Some 13,772 farmers from this province will benefit from a project jointly initiated by the Department of Agriculture (DA), Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).

A total of 3,970 hectares of agricultural and forestry area in this municipality was chosen to pioneer a local agro-enterprise in the province.

DENR will distribute seedlings of atis, guyabano, mango, cacao, rambutan, arabica coffee and macadamia while the DA will conduct capability building training on organic farming and give out vegetable seeds.

The DAR, on the other hand, will hold lectures ranging from land tenure improvement to agrarian justice delivery.

Eden Ponio of the DAR Region 3 Support Services Division said the local convergence agro-enterprise cluster site project seeks to stimulate economic activity in the countryside and support the Aquino administration’s National Greening Program.

Ponio said the three government agencies will identify more convergence areas in the province in the coming months. (PNA)LAP/LAM/zst/EBE/ps

Source: 13,700 Bataan farmers to benefit from DA-DAR-DENR agro-enterprise initiatives
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