Picture of Arlene Dayo
PHOTO RELEASE: 2011 Outstanding Rural Woman Achiever
by Arlene Dayo - Monday, 31 October 2011, 06:55 AM

QUEZON CITY - Myrna Conmigo-Acayen an integrated organic rice farmer of Digdigon, Goa, Camarines Sur bagged the top award for this year's Search for Outstanding Rural Women. She bested the five other national finalists from other regions of the country. She received Ps 50,000 cash award, one unit hand tractor and a citation from Secretary Proceso J. Alcala. The search aims to give recognition to rural women who have shown excellence in their fields of endeavors and made exemplary accomplishments in developing the agriculture and fishery sectors and made significant impact in the lives of the people in the rural areas. The search is part of the annual observance of the International Day of Rural Women held every October 15th. This year's celebration is anchored on the theme "Celebrating the role of rural women in sustainable food production. (DA Website)

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