2nd Course on Pineapple: Producing one of the Country’s Sweetest Varieties
by Yovina-Claire Pauig - Monday, 12 October 2015, 02:38 PM
Pineapple2Famous for its anti-oxidant properties, pineapple is also an excellent source of vitamin C and Manganese.  It is commonly incorporated in weight-loss diet programs because of its high fiber content that facilitates digestions, detoxification and cleansing effects.

Learn to grow and propagate one of the country’s sweetest varieties by enrolling in our e-Learning course on Queen Pineapple Production and Postharvest Technology (Pineapple2).   With some introduction to pineapple growing, this course comprehensively discusses the production practices, pests and disease management, and harvesting and postharvest know-hows of Queen Pineapple.

Picture of Victoria F. Ubaldo
Re: 2nd Course on Pineapple: Producing one of the Country’s Sweetest Varieties
by Victoria F. Ubaldo - Wednesday, 16 March 2016, 06:39 AM
Key word nga po
Picture of Ladylyn Jose
Re: 2nd Course on Pineapple: Producing one of the Country’s Sweetest Varieties
by Ladylyn Jose - Thursday, 12 May 2016, 10:10 AM
Hi Ms Victoria,

As we have sent the enrollment key to you, we are glad that you have successfully completed the requirements of the online course on "Queen Pineapple Production and Postharvest Technology (Pineapple2)." under the Department of Agriculture's e-Extension Program for Agriculture and Fisheries.We hope you'll find more courses that would interest you. 
Thank you and Happy e-Learning!
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