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The e-Learning for Agriculture and Fisheries is a major component of the Philippine's Department of Agriculture's e-Extension Program, with the Agricultural Training Institute as the lead implementing agency, in collaboration with other government agencies, state universities and colleges and nongovernment organizations.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Last Update: 2016/07/17

About the Certificates

Login Issues

Registration and enrollment

General Site Queries

About the Certificates

How come I don't see a link to the certificate or course feedback?

That particular course was developed together with a partner agency/institution. Their signatures are not yet available.

How come the name appearing in my certificate is just my nickname (or alias, or pen name)?

The name that appears in the certificate is system generated according to the profile name that you have entered.

Can I request for a change in how my name appears after I retrieve my certificate?

Yes though there is some waiting time. You can send your request to In the meantime, update your name in your profile section so that the name generated for your succeeding certificates would be as how you want them. We have posted instructions to use the name that you would want to appear on your certificate, including caps and lower case.

I printed the certificate in black and white, can I print it again in color?

Yes. It is really up to you. You can have multiple copies of that certificate but it is still regarded as one. There is a unique security code for each certificate generated

I lost a copy (soft or hard copy) of my certificate. Can I get another copy?

Yes. Just log back in to that particular course and click the link to your certificate to download and save.

Login Issues

I just created an account but when I login I get the invalid username and password error. What's wrong?

Passwords are case sensitive; caps maybe locked.

I forgot my password. How can I login again?

Please click on the "Yes, help me login" button or contact to request for a new password.

Registration and enrollment

How much to enroll in a course?

All our online courses are free.

Can I enroll in any of the ATI-Centers or any internet cafes?

Yes you can! Location is not a problem as long as there's internet connection.

When is the best time to enroll? Can I enroll even at night?

The best time to enroll is during office hours, 8AM - 5PM, Monday to Friday. This is the time when you receive the enrollment key for each course. You may ask for the enrollment key even at night but the enrollment key will be sent to you the next office hour.

Who are qualified to enroll in any of the courses? What are the qualifications of an enrollee?

The only requirement for our certificate courses is that you should be a Filipino -- residing in the Philippines or an overseas contract worker.

I have registered in the site, how come I still cannot access the course? What is that required "enrollment key"?

Registering in the e-learning site gives you the privilege to post in the forums and participate in the online discussions, as well as download our digital resources that are reserved for registered users only. You still need to enroll in the course you want. At enrollment, request for the "enrollment key" for that particular course. The "enrollment key" is one of the methods that we use to group legitimate users who can take the course.

Are there courses available for non-Filipinos?

Currently, all our full online courses are exclusive to Filipinos because of the courses' local recommendations. There will be courses available for non-Filipinos soon. All our digital resources though, are open to everybody.

Can I enroll in two or more courses at the same time?

No, we recommend one course at a time so you can focus and complete the requirements of the course. This is to avoid inconsistencies too with our enrollment vis-a-vis completion data. Should you prefer to enroll in a new course without completing the requirements of the course you are first enrolled in, please send us a request with your reason.

I am an expat living in the Philippines, can I take the courses?

Yes but only for "rolling courses" -- courses that have finished the test run. You shall be advised when you make your inquiry.

Do I need to be a good computer operator to be enrolled?

Our online courses do not require complex or advanced computer skills. As long as you are able to move and click the mouse, then you are on your way to experience e-learning.

I am a Filipino living abroad, can I take the courses?

All our full online courses are focused on some local recommendation, so they may not be applicable in your particular locality. There will be courses with more general recommendations soon. All our digital resources though, are open to everybody.

I have failed in the course. Is it possible to repeat the course so I can get a certificate.

You can request to repeat the course by sending email to

General Site Queries

Who are the site's support team now?

Our resident agents on standby for e-learning support include Emerson Deñado, Ladylyn R. Jose, Catheryn Villorente and Rommel T. Hallares

Where can I find the author for a particular course?

From the main menu, click COURSES. Then click the 'i' icon at the far right of each course in the list.

Can I meet the expert/s personally?

Yes you can. You can contact the expert directly from the information that he/she provided or you can ask your nearest ATI Regional Center to facilitate and arrange for the meeting depending on the expert's availability.

How much are the Technokits?

The Technokits, the high resolution version of those in our digital resources section, are at Php100 each excluding courier fees. We don't have online purchasing in place yet but please call 02 9822474 local 258 for your inquiries, or call the Farmers' Contact Center.

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Picture of Monica Lagunday Type text here
Monica Lagunday 25 May 01:27 PM
Picture of Reca CamansiGood day ma'am/ Sir,
May I request the enrollment key for agricultural Marketing Extension. Thank you 😇

Reca Camansi 21 May 05:42 PM
Picture of Henry Jr RellyGood day sir, mam. May I request for the enrollment key for Digital Farmers Program (DFP101). Maraming salamat po
Henry Jr Relly 20 May 09:36 AM
It always seems impossible until it’s doneCan I get a ATI Certificate for Broiler Production Technokit
Reniel James P. Quibido

Just for reference please

Reniel James Quibido 19 May 08:45 AM
Picture of Joemel R.  OrciaGood afternoon ma'am ..Can I request enrollment key digital techno/info kits/ Materials on Free Range Chicken.
Joemel R. Orcia 18 May 01:07 PM
Picture of Mitch  Engayasgood day maam may i request for the enrollment of crops production program with free certificate
Mitch Engayas 16 May 10:03 AM
Picture of Clinton TinoGood day mam/Sir, can I enroll abaca pest management po.
Clinton Tino 16 May 08:09 AM
Picture of Ana jean LavillaGood morning po
Can I request for the enrollment key for urban gardening. Thank you

Ana jean Lavilla 14 May 06:37 AM
Picture of Fernando Jesus  PepeGood day!
May I ask for the Walang Aray sa A.I. enrolment key?

Fernando Jesus Pepe 07 May 09:15 AM
Picture of Hamida MandingGood day Maam/Sir I'd like to enroll walang Aray sa AI. cousre. thank you
Hamida Manding 07 May 08:54 AM
Picture of Shennette DumaplinGood day sir/ma'am. Miss Sara would like to ask for the enrollment key of Walang Aray sa AI.
Shennette Dumaplin 07 May 08:35 AM
Picture of Aira Jean  AnduqueGood afternoon can I request the key for organic fertilizer for sustainable agriculture
Aira Jean Anduque 06 May 03:56 PM
Picture of Aira Jean  AnduqueCan I request the enrollment key for urban gardening
Aira Jean Anduque 06 May 03:53 PM
Picture of Aira Jean  AnduqueEnrollment key for urban gardening

Aira Jean Anduque 06 May 03:52 PM
Picture of Sara Mae AyensaGood evening, ma'am/sir!
May I request for the enrollment key of Walang Aray sa A.I. (PIG1.2)?
Thanks in advance!

Sara Mae Ayensa 05 May 11:24 PM
Picture of Mae jean Macas
Mae jean Macas 02 May 11:24 PM
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