Me at the middle. Female australian and Local guy attended PeacePond's Organic farming workshop
assistance from regional offices
by jet orbida - Tuesday, 20 March 2012, 11:25 PM

i'd like to know if Regional offices like the Provl Agri of Negros Occidental, extend financial assistance or other forms of assistance to farmers who are just starting to learn the ropes, particularly on Organic Farming system. For example, distribution of african worms for vermicasting, molasses for organic fertilizer, mushrooms etc. Starter kits for farming beginners like me.

Thanks for your time. Mabuhay po kayo sa e-learning!

Picture of Joeven C. Calasagsag
Re: assistance from regional offices
by Joeven C. Calasagsag - Wednesday, 21 March 2012, 04:32 PM
Hi Jet, 

As per Department of Agriculture - Regional Field Unit 6 they are currently accepting proposals on Organic Farming/Agriculture the deadline is on March 23, 2012. For more info regarding this you may contact   Dr. Hector Peñaranda - Focal Person on Organic Agriculture of DA-RFU6 at (033)301-4643.

Thank you!
Me at the middle. Female australian and Local guy attended PeacePond's Organic farming workshop
Re: assistance from regional offices
by jet orbida - Wednesday, 21 March 2012, 04:41 PM

ow, that's two days from now. how do i submit the proposal? what are the contents? do you have a template where i can pattern my proposal? can you send it via email? my email addresses are: <font size="4"> and <font size="4"></font>

sorry, if i may sound like imposing on you. but i'm just really passionate about this organic farming system. what hinders me is the lack of resources. i have the land and some raw materials, but i don't have the equipment like a shredder. one shredder will help me a lot in my plan of producing organic fertilizers and composting.

i hope you can help me. btw, my contact numbers are: 09292333266 and 034-7428500

Me at the middle. Female australian and Local guy attended PeacePond's Organic farming workshop
Re: assistance from regional offices
by jet orbida - Wednesday, 21 March 2012, 04:45 PM
thanks for the quick reply, sir.
Picture of Joeven C. Calasagsag
Re: assistance from regional offices
by Joeven C. Calasagsag - Thursday, 22 March 2012, 09:59 AM
Hi Again Jet, we were advised by the staff of Dr. Hector that you communicate with them personally so that they can give the further information regarding this matter. Thanks!  
Me at the middle. Female australian and Local guy attended PeacePond's Organic farming workshop
Re: assistance from regional offices
by jet orbida - Thursday, 22 March 2012, 11:17 AM


Sir Joeven, thanks for the quick response. I appreciate it. Last question. In the absence of Mr. Penaranda, sino puwede kong kausapin sa Iloilo re my concerns.

Maraming salamat po. Mabuhay kayo!

Me at the middle. Female australian and Local guy attended PeacePond's Organic farming workshop
Re: assistance from regional offices
by jet orbida - Thursday, 22 March 2012, 11:18 AM

Sir Joeven, thanks for the quick response. I appreciate it. Last question. In the absence of Mr. Penaranda, sino puwede kong kausapin sa Iloilo re my concerns.

Maraming salamat po. Mabuhay kayo!

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