ms. pamela
Trainers' Training Blended with some Online Courses on Banana Production
by Pam Mappala - Monday, 11 August 2014, 11:51 PM
DILIMAN, Quezon City -- Some 28 participants of the Season-Long Training of Trainers (TOT) on Banana Production complemented their learnings by taking some online courses on the said commodity through the e-Extension Program for Agriculture and Fisheries.

Initiated by the Agricultural Training Institute-Regional Training Center in Northern Mindanao (ATi-RTC 10), the participants enrolled particularly on the online courses "Integrated Pest Management for Banana" and "Growing Banana in the Tropics: Cultural Management for Banana Production". 

The group received their e-learning certificates while on their study tour at the ATI Central Office last August 6, 2014 in this City. 

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